Private Retreats

The growing and expanding wings are physically less painful just today! Thank you for the workshop. I had no idea what to expect but I learned new things and felt loved and supported.

Pamela, Australia

200 hours YA logo

Private Retreats


Our private retreat experience is a brilliant opportunity to enjoy a peaceful and rejuvenating time in lush Ubud in the middle of rice fields.

Each retreat format has a very personalized approach; you will be met exactly where you are at in terms of yoga and meditation practices, discourses and sessions.

You can book the retreat as a one-on-one experience or with your group of friends.

Clients booking the same dates are brought together only if their needs meet. Some sessions, like private consultation, remain one-on-one.

    Love says ‘I am everything.’
    Wisdom says ‘I am nothing.’
    Between the two, my life flows.
    – Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    About the Offerings

    Private retreats include:

    • Yoga, Meditation & Pranayama
    • Mindfulness techniques, Yoga theory, philosophy & discourse
    • Pre-retreat support via WhatsApp
    • Detoxifying and nourishing delicious plant-based meals
    • Consideration of injuries and other health defining circumstances
    • Accommodation (for residential packages)
    • Airport transfer from Denpasar and 1hr therapeutic massage (only for private retreats of 3 days and longer)

    Find more details about the specific benefits and components of each retreat below, as well as the suggested level of experience.

    Meditation 1:1

    For beginner & intermediate meditators

    Meditation is much more than just sitting cross-legged with closed eyes. Find out what meditation is; how it can change your brain and your habits. Discover what type of meditation works for you!

      med101 banner bg
      1 Day & Half Day Retreat

      1 Day & Half Day

      For beginner & intermediate meditators

      These private and personalized full day and half day meditation and yoga retreats will help you find out what method works best for you and how you can introduce them into your daily life with ease.

      Dark Retreats

      For beginner & intermediate meditators

      A Dark Room Retreat is a unique experience. It helps to quiet the mind and gives the body an incredible rest, supporting its own natural rejuvenation. Meditation in the dark naturally stimulates the pineal gland enhancing clarity and discernment. 

      Dark Retreats
      Akasha Hall

      Online Retreats

      For beginner & intermediate meditators

      What better gift to give yourself than a retreat to support holistic health and well-being.

      All of our online retreats are available for $177. You can purchase one for yourself or for your friends or family who might need extra support right now.

      Couples Retreat

      For deeper intimate connection with yourself and others

      This retreat is for everyone who wants to take charge of their relationships and their life.

      WhatsApp button

      Your Teachers

      Please contact us if you'd like to find out about the teachers of this course/retreat, their certifications and experiences.

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